Twin Soul Flame

This is the perfect way I feel and so perfectly written .. almost spoken so securely.

hopekenyon's Blog

Love that cannot be seen,
Only felt,
Through the whispers of our heart,
During the hours we are apart,
And I’m reassured that no distance,
No amount of time,
No longer create obstacles,
You are mine,
And I am yours,
Our love takes us to the next level,
A place not too many know,
Somewhere I surely have never been before,
It is serene,
A level of eroticism,
Where you touch me without touching me,
A place of madness,
Where only we know,
How we insanely love,
Our spirits,
Our souls without our flesh,
A heightened spiritual bliss,
A connection amongst the gods,
And I smile deeply,
As I stare in the light of another day,
Feeling the invisible warmth,
Of you,
The embrace of your arms,
Reassuring me,
There is no other love for me,
No other love for you,
We are one heart,
One soul,
One mind,

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